The average rent for apartments in Flagstaff, AZ varies depending on several factors, including location, size, and quality. According to various sources, the average rent for apartments in Flagstaff, AZ ranges from $1,270 to $2,082 in 2023. For a studio apartment in Flagstaff, AZ, the average rent is around $1,795. The average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Flagstaff, AZ is around $1,708. However, there are apartments available for rent under $1200 in Flagstaff, AZ.

Rent prices vary according on numerous criteria, including location, size, and quality. Doney Park, Flagstaff, and Greater Flagstaff are the most affordable communities in Flagstaff. The average rent in Doney Park is $1,898 per month, $1,996 in Flagstaff, and $2,160 in Greater Flagstaff. Other excellent values may be found in Fort Valley, Kachina Village, and Mountainaire, where asking prices are less than the average Flagstaff rent of $2,160 per month.
Avarage rent key points:
- The average rent for an apartment in Flagstaff, AZ is $1,154 per month. This is a 4% increase from last year.
- The average studio apartment rents for $779 per month, a 1-bedroom for $919 per month, and a 2-bedroom for $1,298 per month.
- Rent prices in Flagstaff have been increasing over the past 5 years. Rent growth was highest in 2016-2017 at 7.4% and lowest in 2018-2019 at 4%.
- The most expensive neighborhoods in Flagstaff are Ponderosa Trails, Buffalo Park, and Downtown with average rents of $1,324, $1,312 and $1,242 respectively. The most affordable neighborhoods are Sunnyside, Eastside, and Southside with average rents of $987, $1,055 and $1,092 respectively.
- The majority of apartments for rent in Flagstaff are mid-sized with either 1 or 2 bedrooms. 46% of apartments have 1 bedroom and 36% have 2 bedrooms. Only 18% of apartments are studios.
- Occupancy rates in Flagstaff have averaged around 95-96% over the past few years indicating a tight rental market with strong demand.
- The most common amenities in Flagstaff apartments are air conditioning, on-site laundry, and walk-in closets. Some higher-end apartments also have gyms, pools, and clubhouses.
According to RentCafe, the average rent for an apartment in Flagstaff is $1,996. The cost of rent varies depending on several factors, such as location, size, and quality. For example, a studio apartment costs around $1,272, while a three-bedroom apartment costs around $2,233. The average rent in Flagstaff has increased by 9.65% in the past year.
Average rent for apartments
According to the search results, the average rent for apartments in Flagstaff, AZ varies depending on several factors, including location, size, and quality. Here are some estimates of the average rent in Flagstaff:
- The average rent for an apartment in Flagstaff is $1,996.
- The average rent for a studio apartment in Flagstaff is $1,792.
- The average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in Flagstaff is $1,650.
- The average rent for a 2-bedroom apartment in Flagstaff is $1,871.
- The average rent for a 3-bedroom apartment in Flagstaff is $2,650.
- The median rent for all bedrooms and all property types in Flagstaff is $2,563.
- The median rent for houses in Flagstaff ranges from $900 to $10,000 with a median rent of $2,600.
It’s important to note that these estimates may vary depending on the source and the specific location within Flagstaff.
How does the average rent in Flagstaff compare to other cities in Arizona?
The average rent in Flagstaff, Arizona is greater than in some other Arizona cities. According to, the average monthly rent in Arizona is around $1,500, compared to $1,100 worldwide. Meanwhile, the average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in Phoenix, AZ is $1,463, which is less than the average rent in Flagstaff, AZ ($1,650).It is crucial to note, however, that rental fees vary depending on a variety of factors, including location, size, and quality. To obtain a more precise comparison, compare specific locations within each city.
How has the average rent in Flagstaff changed over time?
To understand how the average rent in Flagstaff has changed over time, we can look at the following information:
- According to1, the average gross rent in Flagstaff was $1,208 in 2019.
- In 2020, the fair market rent for a two-bedroom apartment in Flagstaff was $1,237 per month, which increased to $1,266 per month in 2021.
- According to a report from 2022, the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Flagstaff was $1,497 per month, which is an increase of 18.6% from the previous year.
- As of 2023, the average rent for apartments in Flagstaff is between $1,652 and $2,049.
Overall, it seems that the average rent in Flagstaff has been increasing over time. However, it’s important to note that rental costs can vary depending on several factors, including location, size, and quality.
What are the most affordable neighborhoods in Flagstaff for renting apartments?
Here are some of the most affordable neighborhoods in Flagstaff for renting apartments:
- Woodlands Village: According to, this neighborhood has a median rent of $1,337.
- Affordable Apartments: Hotpads lists several affordable apartments for rent in Flagstaff, AZ starting from $299.
- Low-Income Public Housing (LIPH): The City of Flagstaff website provides information about LIPH, which is a program that provides affordable housing to low-income families and individuals.
- Cheap Apartments: RentCafe has a list of cheap apartments in Flagstaff, AZ starting from $920.
It’s important to note that the cost of rent varies depending on several factors, including location, size, and quality.